at home with a
six-week programme of live online classes
Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra
with Natasha Kerry
Stay supple and relaxed with your weekly moments of relaxation!
If you used to attend Natasha's classes at South Kensington Club or Triyoga and are seeking to stay connected to her then this series of online classes is for you!
Perhaps you have joined previous online programmes with Natasha and have felt the benefits first hand.
Natasha will be offering her signature Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra classes online over the next few weeks before her maternity leave begins!
Come and experience the magic of Yin and Yoga Nidra and dive deep into the teachings.
Natasha's classes will include:-
- simple practices to shift the nervous system and allow you to approach life with a more calm and spacious acceptance
- the methodology behind the practices of Yin and Yoga Nidra
- detailed
Now is the perfect time to take up online classes with Natasha and keep a regular practice with this six week Yin + Yoga Nidra programme online...
In this six week schedule of classes, we will explore practices to create greater mobility and deep relaxation in our weekly sessions together.
You will feel the benefits physically and mentally after dedicating yourself to this new routine.
This May we will begin our six week Yin Yoga journey!
Two nourishing practices of Yoga per week entitled MOVEMENT and STILLNESS.
- learn tools and techniques to reduce fear and relax the inner systems for better health
- experience peace mentally and explore deep relaxation
- pause your activities for an hour and step out of the daily grind and into a different head space
- move, strengthen and tone the body in the MOVEMENT classes, improve core strength and balance with Vinyasa and Slow Flow Yoga
- release tension and open the body in the STILLNESS classes of Yin Yoga + Yoga Nidra
- explore key breathing techniques to create a Meditative state in the mind
~ dive deep into Yoga teachings and philosophy
~ learn Chinese Meridian Line Theory and how to rebalance specific ailments and support the inner organs
The Autumn programme runs from Monday 3rd October for 6 weeks.
The two weekly sessions will take place online on Zoom and will be recorded so you can access the recording of each class and the teachings anytime.
MOVEMENT on Mondays
12:00 - 13:00
Mindful Movement, Core work, Pranayama, Strength + Flexibility, Standing Postures, Sun Salutations, Vinyasa Flow
These classes tone and open the body and clarify the mind, boosting motivation and a fresh outlook
STILLNESS on Wednesdays
12:00 - 13:00
Yin Yoga, Meditation, Meridian Line Theory, Fascia-focussed, Flexibility-focussed
These classes reduce fear response and positively shift the nervous system aiding better sleep
Twelve sessions, 12 hours of movement and stillness (recordings will be made available after each session)
Enrolment Investment: £108
*Donations are welcome on top of this sign up fee if you are able to.
I understand times are challenging and therefore have priced this training much lower than the usual in studio rate. I appreciate everyone's situation is different so please donate a higher amount towards the training fee if you can.
**Amount is non-refundable once the course begins.
Each hour-long training session will build upon the last and consist of releasing movements such as twists, back bends, forward folds, lateral openings, core-work and we will progress to more complex positions over time but still suitable for beginners/intermediates as the course progresses.
Pranayama Breathing exercises to reinvigorate the system will be explored and you will be introduced to different types of Meditation and relaxations from Natasha's Yoga Sleep Method.
Once you have booked your space using the link below, drop us an email at and we will add you to the attendee list.
All live classes require you to turn your camera on (if possible) and audio off. Nothing will be asked of you apart from your focus and attention. You may also choose to watch the session recording at a later date.
All classes must be practised in sequence so that the body opens intelligently and safely.
The programme training sessions run from Monday 3rd October (for six weeks) but each session is recorded and you can complete it at a time suitable that day/week.
You will receive an email with the video and accompanying teachings via email after each session to keep and revisit.
Recordings will be accessible for two months after the course.
If you sign up after the start date we will send you the video recordings and teachings that you have missed so far via email - late-comers welcome!
It is a complete journey and each session has a different theme!
Natasha will introduce each theme and exercise when the time is right for your body, the plan is to unlock all of your tight areas slowly and safely with intelligent sequencing. Suitable for tight bodies!
Week One: Grounding the Nervous System - We prepare your body and mind for the programme ahead and explore the foundation of Yoga and improve balance and movement as well as Yin Yoga Principles.
Special focusses: Standing Postures, Balance + Stability, Mindful movement, Yin Philosophy, Hips and Hamstrings, The Muladhara Chakra, The Nervous System, Kidney + Bladder C'hi
Week Two: Create Space + Mobility - We explore unlocking your spine and unwind back tension to free up movement and create more range of motion for your entire body, we explore Fascia and its role in creating flexibility and mobility.
Special focusses: Spinal Postures, Back Care, Lunges, Stomach + Spleen C'hi and Digestion, Reducing anxiety and inflammation, Swadhisthana Chakra
Week Three: Motivate + Strengthen - We explore the core and its role in our personal power, move through juicy core exercises to allow us to build up to the more advanced postures, with the potential to try out fun balances. We explore the lateral line of the body.
Special focusses: Warrior Postures, Yin Yumminess, Core Work, Creating Motivation, Manipura Chakra, Liver + Gallbladder C'hi, Body Scan Practices
Week Four: Soften + Connect - Now we have tapped into our inner power and outer strength, we can channel our new motivation into our passions and learn to soften and listen to the pull of our heart and feel more abundant flow in all areas of life. We will learn to safely back bend and open the hips and shoulders.
Special focusses: Back Bending Postures, Hip Openers, Yoga Nidra Relaxation, Heart + Small Intestine C'hi, Anahata Chakra
Week Five: Meditation + Pratyahara - We encourage a deep connection to yourself in this week by building upon all we have learned to explore more advanced postures with the addition of Meditation practice and advanced Pranayama techniques. Suitable for all but a little more complex.
Special focusses: Seated Postures, Respiration, Meditation Practices, Pranayama Breathwork, Connection to Nature, Pratyahara practice, Lung + Large Intestine C'hi
Week Six: Insight + Awareness - We explore a deeper practice of movement and flow, Yin Yoga and Meditation and tie all we have learned together to move through a more challenging physical practice. You will be ready for it by then, don't worry!
Special focusses: A recap on everything you have learned to cement this in your practice, a sequence that you can practice beyond this course.
Super excited to welcome you all on this new course for beginners as well as accustomed Yoga practitioners. Great for those who want to train at home and establish a healthy twice-weekly routine!